When I was a kid, Halloween was a big event for us. Coming from the farm (Saskatchewan kid) we planned our costumes weeks in advance, as we had to make them out of something that mom had around the house. For instance, old bed sheets, old cloths .... one year I made a wig out of binder twine. The memory of that brings the smell of bales to my nostrils. We had fun! We would meet our friends, at a given time in town, and off we would go. Treats were bigger and better then. I remember one neighbour in particular who gave away bottles of pop.
Can you imagine? You got a whole bottle to yourself. And you got to pick the flavour too. And we weren't scared about what was inside our treats! Everything was good ... and we ate everything.
Our farming neighbours got into the swing of things as well. One Halloween, after returning with our bounty, we went back to our farm house to find that my crazy aunt had put chickens in our kitchen. Live chickens, running around and making a mess! I'm not sure how my mom and dad knew who was responsible. I'll have to make a point of asking them some day.
Then of course there was always stories of someone's outhouse getting tipped over.
Yes, it was fun. We all need to go out and have some fun sometime. Have a few laughs too!
It's good for the soul!

My painting for today is called "Pumpkin Patch", 18 x 24", acrylic with a bit of gold and copper paint.
It's a very lovely piece ... still one of my favourites, as I painted it a few years back. Notice the rabbit in the patch?!
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