Friday, August 28, 2009

Hot Off the Palette

This is a painting that I started several weeks ago after interviewing Mark Hobson for the upcoming Island Arts Magazine.

Mark often starts his painting with a dark dioxine purple ground. I thought, "Hmmm, I have some purple in my studio. Maybe I can paint like Mark!"

This was the perfect subject to work with as the clematis itself was made up of different tones of purple.

I am glad that I managed to take several photographs to work from before the heat wave hit and the petals dropped off.

The finished piece is 8 x 24", acrylic. It still remains unnamed, although I sometimes call it the "Climber".

Till Next Time ...

"From the Prairies, to the West Coast ... and beyond!"


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Island Art Expo

Well we did it!

The first annual Island Art Expo is officially SOLD OUT!

We have selected our 29 wonderful West Coast artists who will display their beautiful art work on November 14 - 15 in Qualicum Bay, BC.

This is really exciting, as just a few short months ago, it was merely an idea that we tossing around. Today we have a renown group of unique artists to help celebrate this inaugural event.

As part of the Expo we also have a fantastic line-up of guest speakers to both entertain and educate you throughout the two day event.

To attend any of the workshops you must register:

There is still plenty to do until November ... such as finish a few pieces.

Till Next Time ...

Love what you Do ... and Do what you Love.
